Laws angry at 'unwarranted' sacking

Last updated : 21 November 2013 By

In a statement issued on behalf of the now ex-Iron boss by the League Managers Association, Laws said: “I am obviously very disappointed to be leaving my post as Manager of Scunthorpe United Football Club.

“I was appointed at the club at a difficult time, when confidence and motivation were low, and my brief was to rebuild for the future.

“Together the club and I agreed upon a strategy based upon a shared long term view to first halt the decline of the club’s fortunes and avoid a successive relegation.

“The targets that were agreed upon to achieve this vision were: to building a solid defence, foster a togetherness, instil pride and self-belief both on and off the pitch, re-establish relationships with the youth, remodel the team to incorporate increased opportunities to develop our own youth players alongside an appropriate blend of experience and leadership.

“The strategy was very much based on a long-term plan and was to be delivered in line with significant budget cuts.

“To be relieved of my duties, after only 16 league games, when I was meeting my targets is, in my opinion, unwarranted.

“I am exceptionally disappointed that I will no longer have the opportunity to continue the rebuilding process at Scunthorpe United FC.

“The club is only two points off a play-off place and have lost only four league matches this season in what is a really competitive league.

“We have not suffered any back to back league defeats and of the four clubs relegated last season Scunthorpe are currently the highest placed in League Two.

“The players have been fantastic to work with and I believe we had the nucleus of a very good side.

“There is a real togetherness in the dressing room based on mutual respect and I thank all of the players for their messages of encouragement and backing over the last few days.

“These messages of support have been echoed by the many Scunthorpe fans who have contacted me.

“I would like to put on record my thanks to my assistant Russ Wilcox and my coaching staff, along with colleagues throughout the club whose support has been unwavering.

“I wish them all the best for the future and I am disappointed not to have been given the opportunity to fulfil my ambitions for the club as a whole.

“I will remain living locally with my family, and will continue to have the clubs best interests at heart.”